P.E Kit Policy
P.E Kit Policy
At St Ambrose R.C Primary School, we recognised Physical Education (PE) as a key area of learning within the National Curriculum. Physical activity is integral to the good health of our children and thus, suitable PE kit is essential in ensuring that pupils access the PE National Curriculum to its potential, and participate safely and comfortably in physical activity at School. We believe that a uniform kit encourages our children to have a sense of belonging to a community and promotes a feeling of pride and equality.
ALL pupils should bring their PE kit to class even if they are not going to be actively involved as a performer. If a pupil is injured or unwell, a signed note from the parent or guardian must be provided to the PE teacher at the start of the lesson. Pupils who are excused will still need to change into PE kit as they will be involved in the learning process through the role of a coach, umpire, referee or leader.
St Ambrose R.C Primary School PE Kit is compulsory and consists of:
White PE T-shirt
Black/Navy PE Shorts/Jogging Bottoms/Leggings
Sports trainers or Black plimsoles.
Plain blue or black hoodies to be worn for outdoor games.