Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Murphy
Please see the files below to see what we are learning this half term and the home-learning.
Important dates
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Gospel Assembly | Singing Programme | PE |
Forest School ACE Assembly 2:40 |
Please watch the Welcome to Year 3 presentation below. It may answer any questions you have about life in Year 3. If not, please leave a message in your child's daily planner or contact school.
Please spend 10 minutes a day reading with your child. There are tips for how you can help with their reading in their daily planner.
Times tables
Please practise the x2, x5 and x10 tables. TTRS will help and your child practise so they become more fluent and their learning will be easier.
Home-learning On A Page
Please see the files below for this half-term's home-learning. Your child as a home-learing book to complete any learning in. During the year, there will be the opportunity to celebrate the learning that your child does. If you need any picture printing out, please email them to school and I will do that for you.
Below are other links that will help your child with their learning with research and playing games.